Our OEC Instructor Refresher date is September 17 as listed in our events calendar which is when we will be refreshing ourselves and preparing to teach the regular refresher. We will use the hybrid module again this year.
This year you will follow the same instructions as for the regular refresher except when you do the registrations – be sure to select the Instructor Refresher session. Go here for further detail on the Online Refresher portion. Please note! the Online portion is no longer required to be completed before you can register for the Skills Refresher, but we are responsible for confirming that you have done it before you patrol. Once you have completed the Online course, we need you to print the certificate to file, or display it on your screen and take a photo with your phone, then you will need to upload to MRM as this is a requirement for patrolling. Upload your certificate here: UPLOAD FILES
Also remember to do a liability release for each event: Instructor Refresher and Regular Refresher. You can also find these from the main menu, Programs, OEC, Refreshers, Releases.